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Goygol winery  13 types of grapes are grown in 517 hectares of vineyards.

Our history

160-years-old Goygol Winery OJSC The oldest wine, cognac, champagne, vodka and soft drinks in Azerbaijan  is a manufacturing enterprise. The Goygol winery, one of the oldest wineries in the South Caucasus, was founded in 1860 by the Schwab Germans, who settled in what is now Goygol, then called Yelenendorf in Azerbaijan.



Our company produces high quality wines from different types of grape varieties. Wines from Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Saperavi, Grenache, Muscat, Rkatsiteli, Bansheira, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay grape varieties are produced from special grapes planted in our 507 hectare vineyards.

Production of Vodka

Production of Wine


Xanlar Hasanov


Rasim Omarov

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